Hospital Sustainability
5.9 million tons of waste are generated from hospitals each year from more than1 5000 hospitals in the U.S. alone.2
With BLUE RENEW*, we can help you recycle HALYARD* Sterilization Wrap. Together we can bring those numbers down.
Sustainability and environmental issues in the hospital industry can be alleviated by recycling medical waste.
HALYARD* has developed the BLUE RENEW* program to assist your facility in successfully recycling HALYARD* Sterilization Wrap.
Medical facilities across the United States are now recycling their used, clean HALYARD* Sterilization Wrap made from recyclable #5 polypropylene fabric. Instead of clogging landfills, your recycled HALYARD* Sterilization Wrap begins a second life derived from HALYARD* BLUE RENEW* program. Recycled products include distribution and product totes, garbage cans, bed pans and wash basins.
250 Hospitals
In North America are diverting over
4 million pounds
of wrap from landfills each yearx saving U.S. Hospitals over $280K3
Halyard has supported more than 750 hospitals
with wrap recycling initiatives4
What sets BLUE RENEW* apart from other recycling programs?
BLUE RENEW* is not a “one size fits all” program. It is customized to YOUR needs so you can ACHIEVE YOUR HOSPITAL SUSTAINABILITY GOALS.
HALYARD* provides complimentary, professional on-site consulting services to educate and train your staff, as well as monitor and report annually on your BLUE RENEW* performance. These value added services are worth over $6,000 per facility.
We help you:
- CONNECT with local waste haulers and recyclers
- EDUCATE your OR staff on the critical factors to success with the BLUE RENEW* program
- ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS by sharing our recycling expertise
- TRACK AND MEASURE recycling performance by providing metrics to include in your hospital sustainability report
1. “More Needs To Be Done To Prioritize Climate Change,” Health Aairs Blog, Feburary 25, 2016. DOI:10.1377/hblog20160225. 053279
3. Data on File. 2016 Halyard Health.
4. Grogan, Terry. “Solid Waste Reduction in US Hospitals.” Hospital Engineering & Facilities Management (2003): 88-91.
5. Data on File. 2017 Halyard Health.